Monday, September 28, 2009

I created today after all!

this is probably the first Halloween type card I
have ever come up with on my own.
I am trying to embrace new ideas.....
.....without conflicting with my beliefs
While I am trying to embrace the Fall/Halloween season...
(which I have not been able to do comfortably in the past)
...I am finding I can do that without embracing Halloween as a holiday.
Did that make any sence at all?

and if it did

welcome to my world

tee hee
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  1. I hear ya girl! I feel the same way about Halloween. When I plan workshops around 'Halloween' I tend to just make fall-type cards. Such a cute card!

  2. Candy Corn???? Do I sense a theme here? I love your card and share the Halloween feelings that you and Christina expressed.
