Friday, February 18, 2011

gads this way seems to take forever


I am not sure if it is the amount of choices out there or if I am just not very good at this mode of scrapbooking, it just takes a long long time. As I do these photos I also get held in a memory daze...that could be some of the time issue. My note book that I used in Madagascar, that I am using for journaling. I have kept in a plastic baggie and when I take it out I can still smell Madagascar..........I than God today for my sense of smell....
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1 comment:

  1. Nettie, I just love the placement of everything on this page. Love it! When I first started digital scrapbooking, it took me hours upon hours to do one page. I think my very first page took me 8-9 hours, and it's like the most simple page ever. Ha! Now I crank them out just as fast as I would a traditional paper page, and even faster. I think you are finding your groove. I'm just so proud of you for jumping into digi! You are doing great!
