Thursday, July 15, 2010

more from Madagascar


I am still learning and still lost at the same time......this is alot harder for me than "standard" scrapbooking...... I just cannot seem to get some of the snapping a picture into the template and have it fit the template and then there are masks........but I just keep on keeping on......maybe they will someday take less than days to create
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1 comment:

  1. Snapping pictures into a mask: clipping mask. Here's what I do: I put the picture a layer above whatever it is I want to mask it into. Then I hit Ctrl + Alt + G. Or you can go to Layer: Create Clipping Mask. Or you can right-click over the picture and click on Create Clipping Mask from the menu that pops up. This is what I do for regular PS, but Elements should be similar. (=
