Thursday, October 1, 2009

took out my brain........

and my Big Shot.......and some inks......and some scrap paper and
this is what happens when one blog crawls too much....
learning how to do embossing with a frame....
embossing with packing foam........
and just all around having fun for no reason at all!!!
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  1. Oooh...I like it! What's that one in the middle-top (it sorta looks like flowers?) that is dark brown. Is that from an embossing folder? If so, which one???

  2. it is from Impressablities.....called Tulips.....just thin metal......used two layers of shipping/packing foam and it did groovy....then rubbed a SU ink pad over it....actually I did both sides of each of them and each look totally different....I shoudl take pictures of the other side.....duh!

  3. Cool...How did you get the smooth center??? Inquiring minds and all..........
